Our entire model centers around adding value to our portfolio companies. We believe the value to our portfolio companies of our capital to be secondary to other value we provide. We align with executive teams and controlling shareholders. For companies generating cash that don't have any reason to raise money and don't want to incur dilution associated with a direct financing, we look to find creative ways to become a shareholder. This can include buying out one or more existing shareholders who, for whatever reason, can no longer continue holding their shares in the business and prefer liquidity, or it might involve putting in place a liquidity program for current or prior employees. To the extent a company does want to raise money, we can often offer the most creative structure.
Relative to traditional private equity and venture firms, our charter allows us to engage on a more flexible basis, meaning that we can work with you, employing creativity, to come up with a structure that uniquely suits your needs. We believe in a bespoke approach to investing.